- Kyle and I got engaged! (6/10/11)
- I was accepted into Louisiana State University's Clinical Child Psychology PhD program, moved to Baton Rouge (August 2011) and began my doctoral work.
- Kyle and I got married! (12/17/11) Thus, we started a long distance marriage. He'll move to Baton Rouge in August or September of this year.
- I reached my lowest weight in years and then gained some back (booo)
The last time I blogged I cited one of my main reasons to want to lose weight (aside from my health) was because I didn't want to be a "fat bride." When Kyle and I married my weight was 284 (the lowest it has been in years!). I was still "fat," but I felt wonderful about myself having lost 69 pounds from my heaviest weight! I will look back at my GORGEOUS wedding photos and remember the best day of my life with no regrets.
Since the wedding, life has sunk back in and today, as I blog I'm at 303.1. :( I'm sad about that. I know, I know, I'm still 50 pounds down, but I'm 19 pounds up from my wedding day. 19 pounds in 6 months is NOT where I want to be right now. So I'm strengthening my resolve. It's time to start back getting SERIOUS about my weight loss....and I have a new motivator. Now that Kyle and I are married, I want us to start our marriage off healthy. He's gained some weight over the almost 4 1/2 years of us being together and we both need to be healthier. Also, in a few years we'd like to start a family and I want to be a healthy weight for pregnancy and childbirth. What better time to start than now!
So here I am, holding myself accountable again to the entire internet world. Wish me luck!
Until next time,
BK (Since I'm married, I'm a K now!)