Sunday, February 24, 2013

Update/Snack of the Week: Skinny Pop Popcorn!

Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to post this Wednesday for our weigh-in! Kyle and I were both feeling cruddy with sinus pressure/congestion so we both took the day off to recover and it slipped my mind until bedtime. We did weigh-in as usual and the results were grand!

Current weight (as of 2/20/13): 278.2
Kyle's current weight (as of 2/20/13): 242.3

I lost 1.1 and Kyle lost 3.1! I'm 1.3 pounds away from my pre-Thanksgiving weight (whew) and back to 75 pounds down. Kyle hit his 25 (almost 26) pound mark! Awesome week for us! It was not a week devoid of challenges: we were both feeling pretty sick and gross so there was less exercise than usual. LSU also had interviews for our doctoral program so we ate out a lot and that was stressful for weight loss.  Luckily, we nailed it! I'm so proud of us!

I know I've also been slacking on Snack of the Week posts, but my fellow Sunday School teacher Stephanie introduced me to Skinny Pop popcorn today and it is delicious and low-point. If you're like me, popcorn is addictive and I personally could it a truckload of it every day.

Here's a picture of the bag. The serving size is 4 cups and the pointsplus value is 4! That's only 1 pointplus per cup! The taste reminds me of air-popped popcorn but with a taste! If you love popcorn as much as I do, give this a shot to satisfy those cravings! Snack smart!

Until next time,

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