Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Post-Thanksgiving Weight Gain

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend time with the people you love!  It's weigh-in day and let me just say: Thanksgiving leftovers are evil! :)

Current weight: 280.9
Kyle's current weight: 252.4

That's right, Kyle LOST 0.2!  Wow!  I admire him because as you can tell if you glance at the previous entry, I gained four pounds this week. It's a combination of eating Thanksgiving leftovers for five days (they WERE delicious) and hormones/water retention from my monthly cycle. I'm disappointed over the gain as I am disappointed over every gain, but it's a new week and Kyle and I are both counting points and staying on program. I'm also excited to get back on track with our exercise!  Holidays, as wonderful as they are, have a way of wreaking havoc on weight loss plans. Could I have made better eating choices? Yes. Could I have worked out more than the three hours I did this week? Sure. But the point is, the past is over and today is a new day!  Luckily, I have some time to recover before we head home for Christmas!

I should probably also mention that my first attempt at cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner (and our first married Thanksgiving dinner) was a roaring success!
With a lot of help from Kyle, we fixed a roast turkey, homemade dressing, homemade mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, homemade gravy, peas, green beans, the famous Kreiger broccoli casserole, yeast rolls, cranberry sauce, and a homemade pumpkin cheesecake!  We did it! As you can remember from my last post, I was VERY nervous about cooking this big meal for our first Thanksgiving away from home, but we nailed it! :)  They were very delicious leftovers, too! I do, however, think my body is finished with rich food for a while and looking forward to turkey sandwiches, fish, and brown rice!

I hope your weigh-ins have been smoother post-Thanksgiving than mine!  If you did happen to gain, don't give up!  A weight gain, no matter how disappointing, does not undo all the hard work you've put in! Get back on track and remember that it's not a sprint, it's a marathon!

If you are like me and finals are heading your way, good luck!  If not, enjoy the approaching holidays! :)

Until next time,

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