Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sore, sore, so incredibly sore.

Hey everyone!

It's weigh-in day and I lost weight this week (again!)

Current weight: 282.2
Kyle's current weight: 246.9

I lost 1.3 pounds this week! Kyle gained 0.4, but he lost 1.5 last week, so he's still on the right track!  He's lost almost 22 pounds so far, so I'm super proud! :) I was a bit worried about this week... I was not as rigorous with my points counting as I should have been. I am still not eating as much as I did over Christmas (yikes!), but snacking more than I should and eating more sweets than usual. If you aren't from Louisiana, consider yourself lucky to not have to try to lose weight during Mardi Gras king cake season! A king cake (for those of you who don't know) is a giant cake that tastes like a doughnut and is full of sugar. With Mardi Gras coming up, king cakes are EVERYWHERE. Kyle and I bought a specialty chocolate king cake on Saturday and have been eating on it every since. Luckily it's almost gone! While we shouldn't have had it in the house, I'm proud of us for showing at least some restraint. The cake was made for 8 "servings" and we ended up getting 11 servings out of it. It is definitely not Weight Watcher approved and I think I'll avoid buying another one! Kyle and I also tried a specialty burger place this weekend that was also not Weight Watcher approved (haha), but we had both been craving burgers and I'm glad we got the craving out of our systems. Needless to say, my weigh-in could have been much worse today, so I'm happy to have lost over a pound!

Speaking of cravings, my good friend Sara and I had a conversation the other night about the fine line of restriction in dieting. How much is too much? Where do we balance between too restrictive and too indulgent? I've always said you should work what you love (be it baked potatoes, cheeseburgers, pizza, whatever) into your diet by planning ahead and eating super well the rest of the week. I believe that if you indulge yourself occasionally, then you avoid binging because you feel TOO restricted. I wonder what you all think? How do you balance it out?

In other news, I'm getting back on track with exercise as well. I've been attending both Zumba and Body Pump classes and boy, am I sore! My body is still not used to weight lifting regularly, so I am staying pretty stiff and sore, but I know it is for the best! If you had told me a few years ago that I would be exercising this much (more than I ever have in my entire life), then I would have struggled to believe you. It's amazing what our bodies can do when we stop doubting them! Stop telling your body that you "can't" do something (unless, of course, your doctor has told you that you can't. Always listen to your doctor). I know with every grunt, every ache, and every painful step that my body is getting stronger and I'm doing myself a great service. I hope you all are pushing yourselves to get more activity in! I'm a firm believer that the best weight loss pairs both a sensible diet AND a large amount of physical activity.

Until next time,

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