Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One of "those" entries...

Hey everyone! It's weigh-in day!

Kyle and I both had a tough week this week.

Current weight: 282.9
Kyle's current weight: 246.9

Kyle stayed the same this week and I gained 0.7. We're both pretty disappointed, because we thought we had a great week! Kyle logged in two hours of exercise this week and I logged in six. We counted our points and only splurged into what we thought were within our activity points and weekly points. One of the main reasons (in my opinion) for this disappointing weigh-in is the fact that we got Chinese take-out for dinner last night unexpectedly and we all know how much sodium is in even the healthiest of Chinese menu options. What happened was that we got out of our Body Pump class, realized how starving we were, and knew it would be extremely difficult to wait until we got home and I could cook. Therefore, I'm not sure how much is water retention and how much is actual weight gain. I also have some cycle-related concerns for this week, but that's neither here nor there. The point is, it was a hard weigh-in for both of us. It's difficult to work hard and not see the results on the scale. Luckily, I know that the scale isn't everything. Kyle and I are getting in shape and eating sensibly, so we can't be upset about that! Today I have fortunately had time to prep our dinner tonight to shave off some cooking time after our Zumba class!

If you've followed my blog for a while, you know this isn't the first time I've had this type of entry. Weight loss is hard, as we all know, and some weeks your body just doesn't want to let go of any more weight, no matter what you've done. As I always say, this week is a new week and we're still on track!

Hang in there, guys and gals! The scale might not celebrate with you, but every week you make healthy choices for your body, it's still a roaring success.

Until next time,

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