Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy Beyond Measure

Hello all! I apologize for not blogging in such a long time. I'm rounding off the end of week 2 of my new job and things have been so busy! Not that I'm complaining: I feel incredibly blessed to have a good-paying job in my field of study that both sharpens my testing skills and gives me incredible experience working with the public. However, the downside is that I sometimes feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off! Hurdle number 1 in my current weight loss goals is being on the go. It's hard to find good, healthy meal options when you are busy, stressed, and running all over town. On my better days I have brought my own lunch (yay to the fact that my boss got a fridge in our office!) and gone to places like Ruby Tuesday (with their fabulous salad bar) and Chik-fil-a (with its yummy, yet points friendly chicken). On my worst days (today included), I have opted for the fast food/comfort food aspect. Today Kyle and I tried the new Cook Out in Spartanburg. If you are like me and have lived in South Carolina your entire life, then you probably aren't familiar with cookout, I'll explain. Cookout is a place where they make delicious hand-pattied home-made tasting burgers, like you would have at a cook out and they pair that with lots of delicious side items like fries, hush puppies, onion rings, and end your meal with a fantastically rich milkshake that could be one of about 40 flavors. Sounds like nutritious eating, doesn't it? Well, I know, I know. I ate Cook Out and totally used up the weekly points for this week, but that is perfectly fine. I will eat sensibly for the rest of the week.

Another reason I have not blogged in a while is because I definitely fell off the weight loss wagon this weekend when I spent the weekend with Kyle. I mean, about a three pound fall off the wagon, which is super discouraging. I am still at my 20 pound mark, but not by much. The wrong choices are so easy to make especially when you are around people who are not dieting. However, both Kyle and I have been trying to eat better for our health and Monday afternoon we started going to the gym together. Now being a fat girl for life has made the gym a scary place for me previously that is only ventured into with close trusted friends and great suspicion. Well fear no more! I am so pumped about mine and Kyle's workouts! I thought it would be weird or even embarrassing to go the gym with my boyfriend because of all the jiggling and sweating and weird grunt noises that happen at the gym, but really Kyle is a huge encouragement for me (after all, he is also sweating and grunting, but not nearly as jiggly). He is very patient with me showing me around the machines and reminding me to stay hydrated and pushing me to do that one more set of hand weights or five more minutes on the treadmill. I have never been this excited about working out before. Plus, after working out twice so far this week, I feel great! I have more energy in the mornings and my arthritic knee is feeling much better and less stiff.

Needless to say, this girl is jumped back on that wagon. Well... maybe not jumped... Climbed, perhaps?

Until next time,

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