Thursday, August 5, 2010

Back Home

I'm back at home after a wonderful stay with my brother and sister-in-law in Dillon! The verdict is in: I gained 0.2 pounds this week. Honestly, I am relieved. I did the best I could to make good decisions while on vacation (mini-veggie burgers instead of a steak with mac and cheese, nachos with chicken and veggies but no cheese at Mexican restaurant) but I was not religously counting my points like I normally do and (as is usual with my darling big brother) there was a lot of late night snacking. So, though I am always bummed I did not lose any weight this week, I am happy that I did not gain more than 0.2. Now, I'm back on track, counting my points, and ready to keep on losing.

Let me get on my soapbox about one thing: Zaxby's Birthday Cake milkshake. REALLY, Zaxby's? Could you make a milkshake that more epitomizes excess? This milkshake looks wonderfully delicious and pitifully bad for you. It is made from birthday cake ice cream, sprinkles, and CHOCOLATE whipped cream (yes, I said it). I was so tempted to get one this weekend seeing as how there is a Zaxby's in Dillon and all Kyle could talk about is how much he wanted one. I did not give in, though. Let me just say that milkshakes like this never "spring up" when I'm not dieting. I feel like it's another way to test my willpower and self-control. There was a time last summer when I was doing Weight Watchers and I was going through a drive-through at McDonald's to get my dog a cheeseburger. When I get to the window, the woman is holding a bag with the cheeseburger in it and a large McFlurry with Oreos. She starts to hand them to me and I tell her that I only ordered the cheeseburger, no McFlurry and she proceeds to say "That's okay, just go ahead and take it, no charge." REALLY, Mcdonald's? REALLY? That never happens to me when I'm not counting points. What did I do? I took the McFlurry and ate it, counting some of my Weekly Points for it. Ahh, the irony of the Universe.

I'm going to lunch with my new boss today and I have no clue where we are eating. I am a girl who loves a plan, so I'm nervous about where he will say we are eating and what I can find there that is both tasty, filling, and low in Points. We shall see.

Until next time,

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