Monday, August 16, 2010

God Gives Me What I Need

Well, today was the first day on my new job, thus I got a good night's sleep, had a good breakfast, picked out my clothes the night before, had some retail therapy with my Mom, and ate the yummiest lunch ever. What did it amount to? My first client for testing not showing up. Sad day. BUT, nonetheless, today has been a great day. I feel relaxed about my new job. I had plenty of time to review my tests and set up my office (and, yes, make a list of what I would like to add to my new office). Tomorrow I feel like I will be significantly less nervous to administer that first test (for pay, yay!) than I was today when I was waiting on my client to show up. Also, another good point is that I do adore my boss. He is the nicest man and makes me feel competent and at ease in a new job situation.

On to the weight loss, I weight myself tomorrow morning. I am afraid that I might have gained a pound or two and the culprit is my insatiable appetite that my period gives me. Yes, I know, talking about periods is gross, but when you're a woman who is trying to lose weight, it is public enemy number 1. It makes you tired/lazy, it puts you in a bad mood, and it makes you want to eat everything in sight (especially if it is fatty or has chocolate.... or both). Luckily, mine is about half over, and by the weekend I should be back on track. Mind you, I'm not eating like a hellion, just probably eating a bit more than I should, like having 2 Skinny Cow cheesecakes ice creams instead of 1. But, it goes back to my tried and true motto about dieting: if you deprive yourself, the diet will be hopeless, and it will make you want to cheat. And eventually, you will cheat. So give yourself a bit of room.

Tonight is also one of my favorite nights because DANCE YOUR BUTT OFF comes on tonight and I absolutely love that show. GO ADAMME! I've been enjoying watching this season because I feel like I can relate to the show's contestants: they are people who have put on weight (or like me, have always been heavy), they're ready to make a change, and they love dancing. Adamme, my favorite contestant, has already lost 75 pounds and he looks/feel phenomenal. I am proud of him and hope he wins the contest. However, each of the contestants is talented and has worked hard. It is nice to know that when you are going through something challenging, like personal weight loss, there are others out there who can encourage you and also prove to be exemplars.

Until next time,

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