Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Momma said there'd be days like this."

Good morning y'all!

It's weigh-in day and I come to you with a frustrated post. I have not lost or gained any weight since last week.

Current weight: 300.0 (still)

Not only did I not lose ANY weight at all, I'm still not under 300, which is a milestone I was looking forward to passing today. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I was really disappointed and frustrated when I saw that number. I feel like I haven't done anything wrong this week. I counted my points, I didn't use ANY of my activity points (as always), I didn't eat all of my weekly points, and I exercised a total of 6 hours this week. So why no weight loss?

I've been troubleshooting since I weighed in this morning and here are two reasons that might explain why my weight hasn't changed.
(1) It could be residual bloating/water retention from my monthly cycle which just ended.
(2) Because I'm exercising more than I ever have, I might have gained more muscle than I lost weight this week, which might be why it seems that my weight has stayed the same.

Those are the only two reasons I can come up with! But who knows, from losing weight in the past I have come to know that when you have a few good weeks in a row (like 7.8 lbs in 3 weeks) sometimes your body just does not want to let go of any more weight right yet. What I also have come to find is that I could be set up for a good weight loss next week, if I continue what I've been doing.

I may be frustrated, but I'm not going to give up. Weight loss is hard. If it were easy, then obesity would not be as big a problem as it is in America today. Today is the first day of a new week and I'm going into this week with the same determination (if not more) than I had before. Zumba is tonight and I'm going to go and dance my butt off and try to shed some calories.

This week presents with another challenge also. My dear, dear friend Sara is coming into town to visit this weekend (she's doing a mini-triathalon! she's awesome). I have not seen Sara since my wedding in December and I've missed her terribly. Of course, since she's coming to Baton Rouge for the first time, I'm taking her to my two favorite restaurants. I've already begun planning what I'll be ordering during both meals so that temptation does not get the best of me. I'm nervous about not losing (or even gaining) weight in the next week, but I'm going to make the smartest decisions possible nutrition-wise and keep exercising at least 4-5 hours this week.

In the mean time, I'll be soldiering on. I honestly can't be too upset. I'm making healthy choices for my body and I have begun to tell a difference in the way some of my clothes are fitting. I bought a skirt on sale about a month ago that "fit" but was pretty snug when I bought it. Yesterday, I wore it to work for the first time and it fit very well! Weight loss or no weight loss, I'm making healthy decisions and not giving up and I can't be anything but proud of myself for that.

Until next time,


  1. I'm still very proud of you BK! While I'm no WW expert, I have been off and on it for 2 years now. Have you tried using those extra weekly and activity points to keep your metabolism rev'd up? Especially handy with all the dance moves you've been busting!

  2. Thanks Kathleen! I usually use all of my weekly points every week. Over the past two weeks, I've just been less hungry than usual (exercise tends to suppress my appetite). I never use my activity points because I personally feel like I don't want to "reward" my activity by eating. I usually try to eat a little something before each workout for some good fuel. You have a great point, though! It's definitely something I'll think about! :)
