Monday, July 30, 2012

A Pretty Amazing Weekend

Hello all!

As promised, I'm finally getting around to writing an entry about this weekend. It was super wonderful in so many ways. My good friend Sara and her friend Laura came down to Baton Rouge to compete in the Rocket Chix triathlon!  Living alone, I LOVE having visitors and it's been months and months since I'd gotten a chance to hang out with Sara. So Sara and Laura came into town Friday afternoon and we headed over to an expo for them to get their free swag for competing in the tri.  Laura was craving Italian so we decided to go eat Italian for dinner.

I LOVE Italian food.  I've always loved pasta. Old Blair would have taken one look at that menu and ordered some type of creamy pasta and eaten the entire bowl of it without thinking twice. Since my weigh-in last week, I've been really vigilant about what I've been eating. As I looked over the menu, panic started to set in. I didn't know what to order!  Pizza was too high in points, Calzones too high, and I just couldn't bring myself to order pasta. I knew this wouldn't be the only time we would be going out during the weekend, so I tried to plan ahead. The pasta looked delicious, but every time I thought about ordering it, I just pictured my scale at home and could not do it. I noticed they had a pretty awesome salad selection that included salads with spinach.

Let me give you a little background about me & salads.  I can probably count on one hand the number of salads I have eaten in my lifetime. The thing about me is that I hate lettuce. I can't stand it, I think it tastes disgusting. I've tried iceberg, romaine, everything. I've tried it at home, in fancy restaurants, with every type of dressing. I just can't do it. About two years ago, someone told me that I should try salads with spinach leaves in place of lettuce.  I really like spinach, so I gave it a try and loved it!  I'm still not the type of girl who eats salads frequently, but it was nice to know I could if I wanted to.

So back to the Italian place. I found a salad with spinach leaves, feta cheese, red onions, dried cranberries, chicken and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. It sure sounded good to me! So I ordered a cup of minestrone and an entree salad.  I was pretty proud of myself: (1) I have NEVER ordered an entree salad in a restaurant and (2) I did it in an Italian restaurant of all places.  It seems silly to people who order salads all the time, but for me it was a big step.  Both the soup and the salad were delicious, by the way! :)

After dinner, we decided to head over to Tutti Frutti for some fro-yo (one of my FAVORITE desserts). I had already planned to get a small serving with fruit as my topping. When we got there, we saw that they had a new soy-based yogurt with no fat and no dairy that was enriched with protein. Since Tutti Frutti allows free samples, we all tried it.  I was skeptical at first. Aside from Boca burgers and edamame, I don't really like soy products. I'm not a fan of soy milk or soy chicken. But I'm here to tell you, that soy yogurt was delicious!  Absolutely delicious. It tasted like the most creamy of all vanilla yogurts. All three of us ordered it!  I highly recommend at least sampling it if you are a fan of fro-yo!

The next morning, I headed off the Zumba and the ladies headed off to compete in the tri. After Zumba I went and met them for the awards ceremony. They each finished in about 1 hour 15 minutes, which I thought was phenomenal. I was so inspired by the work they had done and watching people accomplish this goal that they had set for themselves. I had already told Kyle that as soon as he moves down, we're going to start training for a 5K. I am even more excited about that goal now! I'm ready to push my body and to finish something that I never would have dreamed I'd be able to do.  I plan to do quite a few 5Ks over the next few years. :)  Thank you Sara and Laura for inspiring me even more!

Aside from the quality girl time (with a matinee of Magic Mike), the other awesome thing about my weekend was that I found a dress for Kyle's graduation next Friday. I've been looking for a dress to wear to that event for weeks and have been unhappy with every single dress I tried on. I found one at Lane Bryant (for $30) and it is a size 22/24!  I'm still a size 26 in pants/shorts and the dress I bought was very flowy and has an elastic top, but it has been a while since I bought a dress that wasn't 26/28 (aside from my magical corset back wedding dress which was a size 22). I'm pretty excited about it.  After Kyle's graduation, I'll try to remember to post a picture on here. :)

I am very nervous about my weigh-in this week.  We did eat out twice this weekend (I counted points both times) and I was only able to make it to 3 hours of exercise instead of 5. My pilates class was cancelled and I missed my Friday night Zumba class to spend time with Sara and Laura. BUT I still attended two Zumba classes and swam a mile today. I think I'm just apprehensive because of my weigh-in last week. As always, you can expect an entry on Wednesday letting you know how I did! Here's hoping that I see a number in the 200s!

Until next time,

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