Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good morning, everyone!

After last week's frustrated post over not losing any weight, I am happy to be writing an excited post today! This week I lost 3.9 pounds!

Current weight: 296.1

I've reached my first goal of being back in the 200s! My next goal is to get under my "wedding weight," (what I weighed on the day of my wedding) which was 284. So just 12.2 more pounds to go until I reach that goal!  I've always been told by friends and Weight Watcher Leaders (and probably Dr. Oz) that in successful weight loss, it's important to set small goals on the way to your larger goal.  Obviously my large goal is to be my healthy weight (which is around 150), BUT that goal is a long way off.  It will take me quite some time to lose that amount of weight and, in the meantime, I need smaller goals that I can meet and feel successful!

Looking back over the past five weeks of renewed determination in my weight loss, I've lost 11.7 pounds.  That's an average of about 2.3 a week, which is a healthy rate of weight loss and pretty impressive to me!  I know that as I keep losing, I most likely won't sustain a consistent loss of 2.3 per week, but as long as I'm in the negative I will be happy!

It was also a relief this week to cross the hurdle of "having friends in town" and its possible hindrances in weight loss. It can be anxiety-provoking trying to handle eating out and enjoying yourselves while trying to continue a consistent weight loss. Let's face it: sometimes friends can bring out our not-so-healthy eating habits (at least for me). This can be especially true when they are in town for a visit, which can fall under "vacation mode" eating.  Luckily, Sara and Laura are also making healthy choices in their lifestyles and were understanding when I fretted over what to order in restaurants. They also didn't suggest we go to completely unhealthy places where it would have been difficult for me to stay on track.

The next hurdle to cross is the "going home" hurdle. In 8 days, I'm headed back to South Carolina to see my husband Kyle graduate from Clemson with a master's degree!  I'm so excited to see him (it's been over five weeks) and also excited to see my family (it's been over two months)!  However, I'm also nervous about how going home will affect my weight loss. More on that later,though; we'll cross that hurdle when we get to it!

I hope you all have a great week!

Until next time,

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