Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Pattern Has Been Broken!

Hello everybody!

It's weigh-in day and I lost 1.5 pounds!

Current weight: 291.9

That's a total of 15.9 pounds in the past 8 weeks and a grand total of 61.1 pounds since my heaviest weight!  I am thrilled!  I had already prepared myself to not lose any weight this week since my pattern has been lose, maintain, lose, maintain, lose... and so on and so forth. BUT this is the second week in a row of loss! :)  This is my last weigh-in post before Kyle moves in.  I'm sure over the next few weeks you will hear about the adjustments and growing that we will do as a married couple cohabitating for the first time. Luckily, Kyle also has a desire to lose weight and begin a healthier, more active lifestyle. So I'll continue this journey with the best partner ever (and keep you posted along the way)!

Kyle moves down in TWO days!!  He's bringing both our moms, my brother, and his sister (in addition to a van full of boxes). This weekend will be the double whammy of family AND out-of-town guests all rolled into one.  Of course we'll be eating out frequently, but as per usual I am already beginning to plan what I'll be ordering at each restaurant so I won't be tempted to get something completely out of my points-range. My goal for next week is to be back in the 280s, but as long as I don't GAIN weight during the next week I'll be satisfied, considering the move and the family being in town. I've proven it can be done before, I just need to keep my wits about me and do it again!

Another fun adjustment after Kyle moves will be planning meals and cooking for two.  For over a year I've been cooking for one, which is in some ways harder and some ways easier than cooking for two or more. I've gotten a bit spoiled by eating what I want to eat every night and not have to worry about pleasing someone else. Fortunately, Kyle and I have similar tastes with regards to food (minus the fact that he LOVES mushrooms and I think they are gross). I'm also looking for some low-sodium tips and recipes, so feel free to send those my way!

This week also marks the beginning of the fall semester for me, which means I'm back in class. This semester I'm taking 3 classes and working three 8-hour days of clinical work. With all of that AND my husband finally living with me, I am foreseeing a huge lesson in time management over the next few months. Historically, school starting back has been a deterrent for my weight loss because life gets busy and it's easy to let "less important" things slide when you are under a lot of stress.  It's also easy to eat the wrong things when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed (or at least it is for me). My desire is to keep my weight loss and exercise plan a priority every week.  I may not make it to EVERY exercise class EVERY week, but my goal is to work out at least 2-3 times a week no matter what is going on.  It's going to be a challenge and I'm sure I will feel like giving up multiple times, but I'm determined and I have Kyle, my family, and my sweet friends to encourage me and motivate me.

If you've started school, I wish you nothing but the best for the upcoming school year!  If you're out of the school range and you are working the same way you work all year, then keep on keepin' on!

Until next time,

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