Wednesday, September 12, 2012

20-pound loss!

Happy Wednesday!

It's weigh-in day and Kyle & I both lost weight again!

My current weight: 287.5
Kyle's current weight: 264.6

I lost 1.5 and Kyle lost 0.8!  He's lost a total of 3.5 in two weeks and I've lost 20.3 pounds in the past 11 weeks! :) We're both pretty excited to have lost weight, especially considering we had three pretty big meals out this week: date night at Chili's, a Saturday lunch at Raising Cane's (best. chicken. ever.), and a surprise celebratory meal at Sammy's.  On Monday, Kyle found out he passed the fourth and final part of the CPA exam and is DONE with standardized testing!  Thus, we went out to eat at our favorite Cajun place (Sammy's) to celebrate his accomplishment!  PLUS, Kyle did more weight-training exercises this week than I did, so I'm sure he is losing weight and gaining muscle.  Either way, we're stoked to have lost weight this week!  Also, another tidbit of good news is that Kyle has an interview with an accounting firm in Baton Rouge on Monday!!  We celebrated with Zumba and leftover stir-fry! haha.

We are flying home to SC this weekend for the wedding of our dear friends, Covington and Jesse! Kyle is a groomsman. :) It should be an awesome weekend of celebration and time with family & friends. It will also be an interesting week in terms of weight loss, between rehearsal dinner food, wedding food (CAKE!), and eating out with family, we will have our work cut out for us to stay on program.  We're going to try our best to stay on program and attend the exercise classes that we can!

Have a great week, everybody!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Ya'll!!! Here is a good tip: Before I go to a party that I know I can only eat less healthy food , I eat something healthy! That way I know I've gotten in some great nourishment and I am not starved when I get there! When you are famished you just eat to feel full. When you are not super hungry you can eat for the taste, texture and enjoyment!
    Stephanie Condrey
