Tuesday, September 25, 2012

(Late) Snack of the Week!: Cheetos White Cheddar Puffs

Hello everyone!

I am so sorry to post this snack of the week entry so late!  Life has gotten so busy with school starting back, clinic work picking up, and a husband to take care of!  I am so blessed to be busy (but busy nonetheless).  To make up for my carelessness, I have a recipe to post this week!  I probably won't get to it tonight, but tomorrow or Thursday I should!

Today's snack of the week is a throw-back to my adolescence: Cheetos White Cheddar Puffs

Morgan introduced me to these gems and let me tell you, they are addicting.  They are delicious and you get 32 puffs for 4 pointsplus!  Pretty legit for a snack or a sandwich side. The best part is that you don't have to stain your fingers with orange goo... these are white cheddar and just as delicious.  All I need is a (diet) Mountain Dew and I'll feel 14 again!  If you like indulging in puffy, cheesy, salty snacks then give this a try!  Also, thanks to Kyle for taking this uber awesome picture for my blog!

So, I'm not going to lie, I'm a tad nervous about tomorrow morning's weigh-in.  All summer I had the luxury of dieting and exercising on "summer schedule" with about a 1/3 of the stress.  Well, those days are gone!  It's just been one of those crazy busy weeks and I have not eaten as well as I should.  Kyle and I had date night on Friday and ate out, as planned.  On Saturday, we went to a deliciously wonderful dinner party at my old friend, Helana's apartment and the food was absolutely wonderful (she has a cookbook coming out soon if that tells you anything).  I did pretty well at the party with the exception of some fabulous Pumpkin Trifle.  We went out Sunday for lunch because my sweet and generous mother sent us some "splurge" money for a meal out.  We went to Olive Garden and I got Parmesan Crusted Tilapia (15 pointsplus) instead of Tour of Italy (probably 30+ pointsplus).  All of this alone wouldn't be so bad, buuuuut Monday was a super long day of testing and class and I got home significantly later than I thought and did not feel like cooking dinner at 7PM.  As such, I picked up food on the way home.

So that's been my week.  I probably have gained weight or (hopefully) maintained my weight.  Life happens and I am understanding of that.  I will still weigh in tomorrow and I will still post my weight.  Tomorrow is the start of a whole new week and I'm going to do better!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great week so far.  Weigh-in is tomorrow!

Until next time,

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